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Writer's picturegardenofbeleaf


Updated: Jan 13, 2022


Digging deeper...


*S.I.L.E.N.T. moments...

*Sensitizes interpretation limitations, expands novel we can hear and... *see insightful lovely expressions nested our garden and life spaces.

I struggle & sometimes fail in the IG captions to put into words the magnitude of such beautiful surroundings. The vivid colors, the intricate intertwining of the stems, the birds and critter sounds, the sun's glaring against the sky and the clouds, the ever changing movements- all these components positioning themselves within the lens of my phone camera- screaming loudly for attention, combined with my screams of excitement wanting to capture these special moments to share with you. Be silent, enough said. Silence is golden. No captions needed. In quietude, feel the vibes as you see it. Done this make sense to you?

GOB SILENT facts: When taking silent walks in the garden, I hear God's voice through the picturesque beauty of nature saying a thousand words without saying a word. Silent Please - No captions needed.

Thanks for pausing for a silent moment while enjoying the clippings from our peaceful garden.

Stay safe.

Ecclesiastes 3

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